About ANCC

The I. R. Iran’s Advanced Nuclear Computing Center (ANCC) was established under the auspices of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) in 2009 to develop necessary computational tools for home nuclear industries as well as to form a reference authority in the field of nuclear software. It was first headed by martyr Prof. Majid Shahriari who was assassinated shortly after on Nov. 28, 2009. Followings are part of the ANCC’s mission considered in its 20-year vision plan:

  1. Development and procurement of needed software for national nuclear industries;
  2. Educating the experts and training the staff for development and use of nuclear software;
  3. Identifying the most efficient computational know-how for developing nuclear codes;
  4. Conducting workshops and training courses on nuclear codes and computations;
  5. Setting up a bank of nuclear software and keeping them up-to-dated;
  6. Verification and validation (V&V) of nuclear codes and following through their certificates and licenses from national/international authorities; and, Cooperation with universities and research centers for more synergy.


As a principle, the ANCC does its best to ensure the quality of its products according to the latest engineering standards and the newest theoretical or experimental findings. Nevertheless, users are in full responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of ANCC’s products. Therefore, neither the ANCC nor anybody acting on its behalf

  1. makes any warranty, expressed or implied, for the perfect function, accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the ANCC’s products;
  2. assumes any liabilities with respect to the damages resulting from any use of the ANCC’s products.

Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

Unless explicitly expressed, all products provided by the ANCC are free of charge for universities, industries and research centers. Yet, their entire intellectual properties are preserved to the ANCC. The users agree not to repack or rename the products, neither partially nor totally, for commercial purposes and/or not to sell them to other partners. In addition, the users consent to correctly and precisely cite the ANCC’s products, documents and materials whenever they benefit from. Any changes to the products are also prohibited without a formal permission by the ANCC.